Thanks for joining us on SGNScoops.net! Here we share with you more sights from Creekside Gospel Music Convention….
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 was a great day in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at the Smoky Mountain Convention Center. Creekside Gospel Music Convention began Day #2 with the Chapel Valley Showcase.

Following their appearance at the Chapel Valley Showcase, His Mercies released their latest CD entitled “Onward.”
The Tuesday evening concert began at 5pm and featured many artists like Jim Sheldon, The Drummond Family, Ava Kasich, Hope’s Journey, 11th Hour and the Freemans.

The 2014 Diamond Awards were handed out in a gala event beginning at 8:00pm. You can find the list of winners at www.sgnscoops.com …but here we have pictures you might not see elsewhere…

Darrell Freeman has the mic!
Donna Blackwood receives Publishers Choice Award from Rob Patz

Mike LeFevre and his “scrap iron quartet”

For more information on Creekside, visit http://www.creeksidegospelmusicconvention.com/
For updates, visit http://www.sgnscoops.com/
Special thanks to our photographers, Michelle Drummond and Robert York.
For more details on the entire Creekside Convention, be watching for the November issue of SGN Scoops digital magazine.