1 What was your favorite dish yesterday?
Yesterday my favortie dish was Doritos
2 Did you watch any sports
No Sports
3 Did you watch the Macy’s Day Parade?
Didn’t watch the Macy s Day Parade
4 Does your family have a tradition on thanksgiving that is special to your family?
Family tradition on Thanksgiving is to go around the table and we each say what we are thankful for….
5 Tell us a few of the things that you are thankful for in 2014?
I am thankful for my family and friends that care about me and each other.
I am thankful to live in a country where I can worship where and how I please.
I am thankful that my Heavenly Father cares so much for me and never leaves me. He is closer than a brother and I never wonder whether He loves me.
You may be wondering why I was eating Doritos yesterday. The reason is I am Canadian. We celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday in October. So, although we get our holiday earlier in the year, we only get a three day weekend instead of a four day holiday like our neighbors to the south. I hope you all
are having a very lovely Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family!