1 What was your favorite dish yesterday?
Cornbread dressing
2 Did you watch any sports?
No sports (unless you call watching people racing for the pre-Thanksgiving Black Friday sale lol)I went shopping at Target and Lenox Square yesterday evening.
3 Did you watch the Macy’s Day Parade?
I did watch some of the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. ( Macy’s is my favorite store)
4 Does your family have a tradition on thanksgiving that is special to your family?
For the last 3 years or so, my Mom and my cousin Joyce have made a tradition of going to eat Thanksgiving lunch at Mary Mac’s Tea Room in Atlanta.
5 Tell us a few of the things that you are thankful for in 2014?
I’m thank to the Lord for being saved at an early age and giving us something to sing about.
I’m thankful Southern Gospel music and the inspiration Eva Mae and The LeFevres were in my life,
I’m thankful my Mom is still alive and that I can spend time with her.
I’m thankful for The Lord allowing me to play piano and sing for him. And I’m thankful for anyone who listens.