Greg McDougal What Is The Best Gift You Have Given?

Greg McDougal And His Family
Greg McDougal And His Family

Greg McDougal What Is The Best Gift You Have Given?

The best gift I ever gave to someone at Christmas is when I literally hired my 4 children Jeffrey, Sean, Katie and Grace to learn and practice singing The Lighthouse to sing it for my Mom at Christmas. You see, my twin brother and I along with our two younger sisters sang The Lighthouse a million times for any gathering of people we were ever in front of when we were young. Now thirty years later, as a father of four little ones ages 7 and under heading back home to see family I wanted to give a special gift to my Mom, brothers and sisters that would at the very least be a bit nostalgic.  We were all gathered and I got my 4 little ones up and they sang with all their might…..’And I thank God for the Lighthouse, I owe my life to Him…..’

Needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the room….. and this little ‘gift’ has turned out to be a gift that just keeps giving in our lives and so many others as my children sing it each week now in full time music ministry. I just a few months ago got to have them sing it for Bo Hinson here in Mt Juliet, TN

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