Dahlonega, GA (January 26, 2015) One of the stellar groups in Gospel Music, Karen Peck and New River has collected five Absolutely Gospel Music Award nominations. This comes on the heels of a Dove Award for Southern Gospel Song of the Year for “Revival”.
Always a favorite at the Absolutely Gospel Music Awards, Karen Peck & New River, were mentioned in five categories including Song of the Year (for “Finish Well”), Mixed Group, Progressive Song (for “Finish Well”) , Traditional Song (for “Everybody’s Going Through Something”) penned by Karen Peck, Kenna West and Don Poythress. “Finish Well”, written by Karen Peck, Michael Farren and Kenna West, was number one on both the Singing News and Absolutely Gospel Music charts. In addition to the group’s nominations Karen Peck is also nominated for Female Vocalist of the Year.
Karen stated “We have had such a desire to see Revival spread through the world and we hope to spark that same desire in others as we present the Gospel in song. We are very honored and blessed to be nominated by our peers for doing what we love.”
Voting for the Awards begins Sunday, February 1st and will continue through Saturday February 21st . Simply go to www.absolutleygospel.com and look for the large banner at the top of the front page and you can click to vote for Karen Peck and New River.
The Absolutely Gospel Music Awards, often called the “finest” awards in the industry have been presented since 2002 by the staff of AbsolutelyGospel.com. The award nominations are chosen by the staff of AbsolutelyGospel.com and other select industry professionals, and most of the winners are then chosen by the fans of the genre and readers of the site.
In 2005, AbsolutelyGospel.com held its first AGM Music Awards Celebration which brought in all the artists, industry professionals, and fans for an official awards ceremony. In 2006, AbsolutelyGospel.com held a contest for the readers to name the statue that is presented to the winners at the Awards Celebration, in which “Ovation” was chosen as the winner. The Ovations are handed out on the second Tuesday in April every year.
To learn more about Karen Peck go to http://www.
Karen Peck and New River are booked by The Harper Agency. Contact them at http://www.harperagency.com or by E-mail at info@harperagency.com .