Les Butler: Listening to God’s Call

Bluegrass Christian Country Music Christian News SGN Scoops magazine
Les Butler
Les Butler

By Paige Givens

Les Butler has an ear for good music. Whether he’s playing an instrument, listening to a song for radio promotion, leading from the hymnal, or just singing from his heart, Les knows good gospel music when he hears it. From an early beginning in bluegrass to a long-standing career in the corporate Southern Gospel scene, Les has had his ear tuned to music from some of the best singers and musicians in the business. Those who spend time with Les soon realize an important thing about him, though — his ear is first tuned to the Lord, and then to the music. As a result of his careful listening, the Lord is bringing about some changes in the music and ministry of Les Butler.

Southern Gospel music has been a big part of Les’s life for a long time. He has played a role in various facets throughout the industry. “I took over as the host of Crossroads for Christ, a Southern Gospel radio show in the Chicago market, the first weekend in October 1978; over 36 years ago! I’ve been a host on the Solid Gospel Radio Network since 1998, winning the March of Dimes AIR award for my Bluegrass Gospel show called Front Porch Fellowship. Several years ago I hosted the Southern Gospel radio channel on Delta Airlines. I’ve been producing and playing on recording projects since 1979. I was the Publisher of Singing News Magazine for several years. Over the years I’ve held various positions with the SGMA, SGMG and NQC. I’ve hosted the Bluegrass Showcase at NQC for over a decade, as well as stages at Dollywood and Silver Dollar City. I host Harmony Road, a Southern Gospel TV show. I also own Butler Music Group and Family Music Group. My favorite thing to do is preach and sing the gospel of Jesus Christ!”

Recently, Les felt the Lord directing him to make some changes for his future service in the ministry. “Well, several months ago I resigned all of my management positions with Singing News Magazine and Solid Gospel Radio. I still write a monthly article for Singing News, as well as host some radio shows for Solid Gospel. I am very appreciative for the opportunities that Salem Communications has afforded me over the years. I am their biggest fan!”

Les made these changes in order to shift his focus in the next year, as the Lord led him to do. “Two years ago I surrendered to the call to preach. At that very moment I knew God was going to make several changes in my personal life, as well as my corporate life. Personally, my emphasis is on the church; preaching and singing. Corporately, my focus is now on Butler Music Group and Family Music Group.”

Personally, Les is following God’s call to preach and sing at different churches. What kind of experience can a congregation expect when Les Butler comes to worship with them? “Well, to start with I don’t use tracks. Although I play about a dozen different instruments, I usually play the piano in services. I sing ‘camp meeting’ style songs from some of my favorite artists like the Happy Goodmans, Primitive Quartet, Kingsmen, Greater Vision, Rowlands, etc. I am working on a new CD of all new songs written by some very talented and Spirit-filled songwriters. I’m also a big fan of the Red Back Hymnal. Most of the time I sing solo, but sometimes my beautiful wife of 31 years, Bev, goes with me, and some select dates our pastor’s daughter, Tenille Hutson-McCay goes with us to sing as a trio. Several times during the year you will find me at the piano playing for Barry Rowland and Deliverance, as well as the Kingsmen.”

Corporately, Les is going to concentrate on his music company. “Butler Music Group is the management and production division of my company. As of this writing I manage the amazing talents and ministries of Eighth Day, Heaven’s Mountain Band, Tammy Jones Robinette, Master’s Voice, Troy Burns Family and the Williamsons. I do consultant work for anyone wanting to penetrate the Southern Gospel fan demographic. I also produce and play on recordings through this division. Family Music Group is a radio promotion company and label.   Hurry-Up/BMI and Hush Jean/ASCAP are my publishing companies.”

The business side of his ministry feels like home, thanks to the family and co-workers who work with Les to make the music group its best. “My wife Bev is my Office Manager. My son Matt manages our studio, engineers and plays on recordings. Roger Spears and Adam Borden work for me in various positions. My daughter works for the Southern Gospel division of Salem Communications. I am blessed to have my family and my friends to be involved with me in ministry!”

LesButlerTNN05With all of these changes in life, Les is keeping his ear tuned to the Word. He notes that his favorite scripture reference is John 14:1-3 (KJV). “‘Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.’ To me these verses say it all. I don’t need to stress. Why? Because God loves me, He’s gone to prepare a place for me and He’s not going to leave me here alone. He’s coming back for me one day. God wants to spend eternity with me–Les Butler. Glory!”

He is also keeping his ear tuned to the One who speaks the word. His prayer for the next year is simple, but profound. “My prayer is for the power of God to be on me and in everything I do. The power of God is what makes the difference between a business and a ministry. My businesses can be profitable and award winning which would make it successful in the eyes of Wall Street. I want my personal ministry and businesses to be successful in the eyes of the Lord. Matt 6:33(KJV) says ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.’ ”

For more information on Les Butler’s music business and services, go to butlermusicgroup.com and familymusicgroup.com.

Photographs courtesy of Solid Gospel and TNN.

By Paige Givens

First published by SGN Scoops digital magazine, February 2015. For current SGN Scoops issues, click HERE. 

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