FRANKLIN, Tenn. – With the Supreme Court hearing arguments concerning same-sex marriage looming on April 28, EchoLight Studios is continuing sharing the message of the erosion of American’s religious liberties in its award-winning film, “One Generation Away,” by joining with Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council on April 26 during Stand For Marriage Sunday.
“The consequences this decision could have on our religious freedom and the freedom to believe and live according to those beliefs are staggering,” said Perkins released in a statement today. “Should the Court redefine marriage, our religious liberty — the foundation for all of our freedoms — is at risk. That’s why we’re asking churches across America to hold a special ‘Stand for Marriage Sunday: Religious Liberty at Risk.'”
The Family Research Council is asking more than 53,000 churches to join Stand for Marriage Sunday by showing a brief video created by EchoLight Studios that explains the importance of the upcoming Supreme Court decision and the impact it will have on everyday Americans who seek to live out their faith.. Additionally, churches will spend time during worship services to focus on prayer for the Supreme Court and the attorneys presenting the arguments, specifically that truth would prevail and that natural marriage would be honored by the arguments and by the decision of the justices.
Participating churches and individuals can also tweet their support using the hashtag #StandforMarriage.
Stand For Marriage Sunday will take place just prior to the Supreme Court case reviewing a number of high-profile cases of Christian business owners being punished by the government for declining to participate in same-sex weddings. There is a growing understanding that the redefinition of marriage cannot be divorced from a loss of freedom.
“We are thrilled about partnering with Tony and the Family Research Council for this momentous occasion,” said EchoLight President Jeff Sheets. “As pointed out so fervently in ‘One Generation Away’ and pushed into the headlines daily, our religious liberties have never been more at risk. It is time we take a stand, especially with an issue as crucial as the sanctity of marriage.”
EchoLight Studios’ “One Generation Away” focuses on seven cases of religious freedom disputes throughout the United States: the Mt. Soledad Veteran’s Memorial in San Diego, wedding service providers in Oregon and Washington, Hobby Lobby, chaplaincy in the military, as well as two education cases with a collegiate counseling program and high school cheerleaders in Kountze, Texas. Each case presents a broad-spectrum view of the issue from more than 70 politicians, thought-leaders, business men and women, and freedom advocates reflecting on how the First Amendment, Equal Protection Clause, Free Exercise Clause and Religious Freedom Restoration Act are interpreted and applied.
“One Generation Away” is currently showing at EchoLight Cinemas locations across the nation and is also available on DVD. For more information or to sign up a venue as a Cinema to show the film, visit www.onegenerationawaymovie.com
EchoLight Studios is committed to bringing first-class, redemptive media to the marketplace. The studio produces, directs, funds and distributes faith-based films, hoping to bring both religious and secular communities together. To learn more about EchoLight Studios and other EchoLight films, visit www.echolight.com.