Vonda Easley’s DJ Spotlight on Rodney Baucom

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Vonda Easley
Vonda Easley
rodney baucom
Rodney Baucom

By Vonda Easley

This month in the spotlight is Network Director at The Life FM, Rodney Baucom.
Life FM is one of America’s fastest growing Christian broadcast groups with 15 full-service radio stations. I had five questions for Rodney, and here are his answers.

Vonda: Where were you born? What were your parents’ occupations?

Rodney: I was born in Indian Trail, NC.  My mom was a beautician and my dad was a barber.

Vonda: Who is the first person that comes to your mind as a great mentor in your life?

Rodney: My pastor Mike Whitson has been a huge mentor of mine. Outside of him, my older brother Chris was probably the biggest influence. He was a big encourager and we grew up singing harmony parts with our parents. We could pick out about any vocal harmony part together.

Vonda: What is the best day you’ve had in radio? What happened?

Rodney: Most recently I was interviewing Bill Gaither about a homecoming concert that was coming up. At the end of the interview, Bill paid me a huge compliment by saying, “Rodney, I’ve been interviewed by many…and you’re one of the best.”  Made me feel great!

Vonda: What is your favorite hobby?

Rodney: I enjoy fishing and singing.  Probably need to get a REAL hobby, right?

Vonda: If you could go anyplace in the world, where would it be and why?

Rodney: I’ve always wanted to see the giant redwoods in California. Someday I hope to make the cross-country trip. I think I would enjoy the fresh air and quietness of the area. Seeing something so large and majestic might just minimize some of the challenges that I encounter daily. I’m finite, but God is infinite, and able to do more than I can ask or think.


Special thanks to Rodney Baucom for sitting in the spotlight chair this month. Life FM has several stations throughout the States. For more information visit http://www.thelifefm.com/

First published by SGN Scoops in September 2014.

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