Be sure to join us for SGN Scoops presents This Week in Gospel Music as your host, Mickey Bell, plays some of the best in Gospel music. There is never a dull
Singing Echoes
moment with Mickey as he answers all of the questions burning in your mind:
Who will Cory Pearson of the Diplomats reveal as their new bass singer?
What exciting news will Gary Epperson of the Singing Echoes have for us?
And most importantly…
Why did Amber Nelon Thompson end up in the hospital this week?
All this and more will be answered in this week’s show!
This Week in Gospel Music will air on WVSG, Virginia on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:00 pm (EST). Other radio stations airing the show include KNMG in Savannah, MO; WWIC Radio AM-1050 in Scottsboro, Alabama; WTGF 90.5 Truth Radio in Pensacola, Fl; Radio CIA Benbrook Texas; WPIL in Heflin, AL, and many more.
dowloading the application to your digital device. Those with Androids can get your app of the show now. iPhone apps coming any day now. This will be the only way you can hear the archived shows. Download the app here: http://ThisWeekinGospelMusic.mobapp.
SGN Scoops presents This Week in Gospel Music with Mickey Bell is currently signing more stations. Stations can sign up here: . Program Directors can check out more information at