Shellem Cline Announces Name of New Baby

Christian Country Music Christian News
Shellem Cline
Shellem Cline

With only 9 weeks until the due date, award winning singer and songwriter, Shellem Cline, along with his wife Lacy have announced the name of the new addition to the Cline family. While surrounded by family at a 3D ultrasound, the happy parents-to-be, announced that the new bundle of joy would be called Ella Brooke Cline. Cline stated “Lacy and I are so excited to have this little one come into our life and I’m real excited she has my nose.”

imageElla Brooke is expected to arrive on October 5, but both parents say that they cannot wait to see her. Cline also stated that her arrival is expected just 2 weeks after the release of his new album “Blue Jeans and Biscuits,” which has a tune called “You Mean The World To Me” that was written by Shellem for Ella. To keep up with the latest developments on Ella Brooke visit

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