
Editor’s note: In 2013, Rob Patz asked several artists what they were thankful for. As you will see, many grateful artists have things they can be thankful for every year! Enjoy and give thanks.
Whenever November rolls around, we begin to plan our holiday traditions, invitations, decorations and food! The holiday season in America begins with Thanksgiving and we’ve asked our Gospel friends, both on-stage artists and those in the industry, what they are most thankful for in 2013. We hope you enjoy this feature and take time to make a your own list of gratitude.
We are thankful for our call to the ministry, it’s refreshing to see so many touched and saved thru the ministry God has placed us in. We are thankful for our family and friends. Their support is very necessary and appreciated. It helps us make it another mile knowing we have them home on their knees for our behalf. We are thankful for our salvation; thankful Jesus came, died, and rose just for us! We are thankful for home churches that support us with their encouragement and prayers. – Amber Eppinette, 11th Hour – http://11thhourgospelgroup.com/

Earlier in 2013, my mother was diagnosed with a blood clot in her temple area. Because of a blood condition she has, she is prone to clots and she doesn’t respond to any medication to thin her blood to treat it. Obviously, the condition was life threatening. After a few months of prayer, she went in for a checkup to find that the blood clot had completely disappeared! I am thankful that our God is the Healer! – Sonya Browder, The Browders – http://www.thebrowders.com/

What a difference a year makes! It goes without saying, I am thankful for my wife, Michelle. That’s a no brainer. I do want to say, God has given us an incredible son-in-law and daughter-in-law. I couldn’t have hand picked better mates for my children. And now, two vibrant and healthy grandchildren that have captured my heart. Yeah…..I’m thankful! – Clayton Inman, Triumphant Quartet – http://www.triumphantquartet.com/
I have so much to be thankful for! I am so blessed that I’m pretty sure I’m God’s favorite! Anyway… here goes. I’m thankful for: God LOVES me unconditionally and forever! The Word of God that breathes LIFE into me all through the day; my amazing wife of almost 27 years, Kathryn Smith; my awesome children, Nic and Tori; my parents and siblings and extended family; my beautiful and sweet dog, Andi; the

opportunity to share the Gospel through music and the Word with some of the greatest guys I know; faithful friends; the privilege of growing up and living in freedom in America; abundance of health, peace, joy, provision, grace, mercy . . . I could go on and on but suffice it to say that I’m so BLESSED, it’s just not fair! And I’m thankful for the work you all do at SGN Scoops! – Shannon Smith, Three Bridges – http://threebridgesgospel.com/

I am thankful for the ministry God has given me that involves not only the great guys I share the stage with, but my incredible wife and kids as well. I am blessed beyond measure and thankful for what God is allowing me to see and do. – Jake Sammons, Allegiance Trio – http://www.allegiancetrio.com/
This year? I’m most thankful that seasons change! Not only in nature but also in our lives. Not many people around us know the personal trials we face in life but my family has gone through our share and we’re at the place where, when it’s a tough day, we’re extremely grateful to remind ourselves ‘It HAS been worse!’ My family is healthy, they’re happy, we have a place to live, we have jobs and we can eat what we want each day. I’m soooo thankful for all of that right there! When I have things that 2/3’s of the world population is doing without, I want to always remember how blessed I am and just be thankful. – John Mathis, Mansion Entertainment – http://themansionentertainment.com/
I’m thankful for what I have in Jesus! I have a God who hears me, I have the power of His love behind me, the Holy Spirit within me and Heaven ahead of me. If I fave Jesus, I have grace for every sin, direction for every turn, a candle for every corner and an Anchor for every storm. I have everything I need to be happy and thankful! Be thankful today for Jesus, I know I am! Amen. – Bill Dykes, Bill Dykes Ministries – http://www.billdykes.org/
I am thankful for my family and for the fact that, no matter what our government decides to do, I know the Man in charge and He still has control. Thank you Father ! – Jim Wagner, Oklahoma United Gospel Music Association – http://ougma.blogspot.ca/
This time of year it’s easy to start thinking of those things you’re thankful for. It’s easy to point out the obvious but this year I am thankful for something totally different for me. I remember that God always knows best and I pray for a lot of things in life. Crazy as it may sound I am thankful for unanswered prayers! I want the life He wants for me not what I want! Happy Thanksgiving! – Jason Funderburk, Driven – http://www.drivenqt.com/

I guess I’m most thankful this year to God’s continued patience, love and mercy. His patience is unfathomable, His love is never-ending, and His mercy is unthinkable. I know it all sounds cliché to the lifelong Christian, but I think if each of us were honest, we would confess that we don’t deserve to be treated as good as God treats us…and for that I’m thankful! – Rodney Griffin, Greater Vision – http://www.greatervisionmusic.com/
For this very good place the Good Shepherd has led me to in this my 88th year of life. For His goodness and mercy that keeps on following me. – Henry Slaughter, artist – https://www.facebook.com/henry.slaughter.33/
The words ‘mercy’ and ‘grace” have really been resonating within my heart and within the music that I have sung this past year. I love the sound of those two words and I am thankful that God chooses daily to renew His unfailing mercy and lavish grace upon me and those who call upon His name. I am grateful that God never gives up on me even when I give up on myself. – Sherry Anne Lints, SGN Scoops staff writer, soloist, actor, Doctor of Chiropractic – http://www.sherryanne.com/
I am thankful for my beautiful wife, Bethany! I’m also thankful for the faithfulness of God through the past nine months, and for the wonderful message of the cross that gives us hope. – Bryan Walker, Police Office, formerly of The Perrys – http://www.perrysministries.com/
I am beyond thankful for the precious blood that was shed on Calvary for me; the ability to get out of bed every morning and being able to worship The Lord freely; I’m thankful for a godly, beautiful family; Compassion International; Song Garden Music Group; our amazing service men and women; my American citizenship; and last but not least, I’m thankful for pumpkins, chickens, deer season, the state fair and SGN Scoops! – Hannah Kathryn Webb, the Rick Webb Family – http://rickwebbfamilymusic.com/
I have so much to be thankful for! If I’m to pick one I must say “favor ” with God. That covers everything I am blessed with every day! Loving Jesus today! – Pauline Patterson, Patterson Promotions – http://www.pattersonpromotions.com/

I would have to say that I am thankful for my family. I also am so grateful for the ministry God has allowed us to be in and all the wonderful fans we get to meet! I am also thankful for my new Martin guitar that they gave me on an endorsement! Gotta love that! – Chuck Day, Christian Country artist – http://chuckday.com/
I am very thankful that things are as well as they are with my family and me, and for health and happiness. I’m thankful for my family and their desire to serve God. But most of all, I’m thankful for the song that God has placed in our hearts, because without the gift of salvation there would be no song to sing, no hope for tomorrow, and nothing to sing about! – Jeff Sneed, The Sneed Family – http://www.sneedfamily.com/
I am thankful this year most of all for the Gift of Salvation. I’m thankful for the support of my family. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to live my dream and share the Gospel through song to a lost and dying world. I’m thankful to each man I travel with for being Godly men and examples of Christ. – Chris Jenkins, The Kingsmen Quartet – http://kingsmenquartet.musiccitynetworks.com/
This year as Thanksgiving approaches, I am especially thankful for a God who keeps His promises. With the recent loss of my husband’s father and with several members of our family battling serious health issues, there hasn’t been a day in which the “new mercies” that Jeremiah spoke of in Lamentations 3 weren’t awaiting us, and there won’t be a moment when the Lord doesn’t extend to us the fullness of His joy. In this season—in every season—I am thankful for a God who proves Himself faithful to His children. – Kenna Turner West, artist, songwriter – http://www.kennaturnerwest.com/
I’m thankful for daily mercies and opportunities. Every morning is another opportunity to accomplish, to fail, to enjoy, to grow, to love and to live. Falling leaves speak of change and remind me to lay hold of every opportunity to affect change in the world. I’m thankful God doesn’t mind when we falter trying. He just enjoys being our companion as we discover the way. – Melissa Flores, radio personality, General Manager at He’s Alive Radio – http://www.hesalive.net/
I most thankful that we can live in a country where we can worship God in any way that we choose. I am also thankful for my precious family and thankful to be able to be part of a television station that broadcasts the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Word and Gospel Music. – Pat Mathis, Vice President of WATC TV, Atlanta’s TV 57 – http://watc.tv/
Well, I’m probably the same as most respondents, as I’m most thankful for salvation and my family. I’m blessed with the most loving, caring, supportive and beautiful wife a man could ever wish for as well as with three healthy children. I’m also thankful to be able to make a living doing the one thing I love the most. I’ve had jobs that provided a good living, but a miserable quality of life, so I have a deep appreciation for the difference!I’m thankful to have been raised in a Christian home by parents who made sure that I was in church most every time the doors were opened, which led me to accepting the Lord during revival services in June 1984. Career-wise, I’m very thankful for the musical influence of my mother. She loved gospel and country music and it played in our home all the time. When she heard a song one time that she liked, she could sit down at the piano and play and sing it by ear. She taught me everything I know about singing a song and always encouraged me to do so. Before I ever thought about joining The Kingsmen, Mom and Dad were my biggest fans and supporters. Finally, I’m thankful for people like you who write about the greatest music in the world, Southern Gospel! – Bob Sellers, The Kingsmen Quartet – http://kingsmenquartet.musiccitynetworks.com/

I love Thanksgiving and all that it bring and represents to us. I am so very thankful that He constantly chooses to love me back to life over and over and over again, not only me, but each one of you as well. He says He will never leave us nor forsake us and He is always with us. So thankful! – Dusty Wells, Sales and Marketing Director for Word Entertainment/Warner Music Group, SGN Scoops writer – http://www.facebook.com/dusty.wells.50
To detail exactly what I am thankful is an extensive explanation, but God’s grace, mercy and salvation through the shed blood of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, are the foremost things that come to my mind. To be surrounded by such a wonderful family and so many great friends and to have the opportunities that we all do gives me overwhelming gratitude. God continues to fill each of our paths with new people and adventures on a daily basis. I have been fortunate to meet many people since Thanksgiving of 2012. May we never cease to be thankful for all that we have been given. – Craig Harris, SGN Scoops writer, Sports writer at Gallatin News Examiner – https://www.facebook.com/craig.harris.948
I’m thankful that I’m saved and know My Savior and He knows me; and for my family and my friends. – Ken Patterson, Patterson Promotions, http://www.pattersonpromotions.com/

In 2008, my husband was slowly dying. He needed a kidney transplant to survive. Our son, John, gave his daddy the gift of life on Father’s Day weekend 2008. Since then our family has grown. We have seven new grandchildren. I am thankful my husband is alive to see our grandchildren. I’m also thankful for our son’s sacrificial gift. – Dixie Phillips, songwriter, artist – http://www.phillipsandphillipsmusic.com/
Happy Thanksgiving from the SGN Scoops/Coastal Media family.
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